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Co-Curricular Subjects (K-5)


At Covenant Christian Academy, the primary goals of the Art program are to promote among our students a more Godly approach to both the practice and the enjoyment of art and to prepare them for more effective ministry to others.

CCA’s Art program develops interaction between each student’s creative expressions and their appreciation for art. It provides an opportunity for each student to have instruction and hands-on experiences in producing their art enhanced by the integration of art history. Classes will encourage critical and creative problem-solving skills, as well as exposure and appreciation for historical and contemporary works of art. The program is designed to encourage perceptual awareness through the involvement of all of the senses.


The purpose of the Physical Education Department is to teach students to use and care for their bodies in a way that honors God. The development of godly character qualities will be emphasized along with the development of physical strength, endurance, skills, and abilities. Students will also be encouraged to develop a life-long appreciation for and enjoyment of physical recreation.

Each P.E. course offered will involve both individual and team activities that are grade appropriate and that cover a wide array of games and sports. Physical activity will be presented in a manner that interests students and that will naturally attract them to participate. Character development and Christian sportsmanship in the competition will be stressed. First through third-grade students may, on occasion, be transported to a nearby gym for their P.E. activities. Students are encouraged to wear clothing in which they can be active or to bring such clothing with them for use during P.E. classes.


This weekly course employs a strong hands-on approach to introduce elementary students to some of the fundamental concepts and skills involved in understanding music and drama.  The class is designed to meet age-appropriate levels of understanding. The goal of this course is to instill within young children the joy of music.  Music games and group activities will be used to lay a foundation for music theory, and rhythm exercises, singing, and musical performance all combine to make this a fun course for students as they learn to praise God through music. Students will work in groups as well as individually.  Both Music and Drama have an additional emphasis on participating in two school programs to be presented at Christmas and Easter.


Our STEM program is designed to engage students in a relevant and exciting curriculum that breaks down the walls between science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The topics and content are presented through a project-based and hands-on approach with a purposeful sequence of lessons and skill development. Students are encouraged to take risks, persevere, adapt, create, and innovate in each class.

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