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The CCA Difference

School Motto: “Training hearts and minds for the glory of God.”

School Vision: “Partnering with parents to educate with excellence and prepare students to impact the world for Christ.”

NAUMS Vision: “To strengthen families and values by helping parents prepare college-worthy, character witnesses of Christ for the next generation.”

School Mission: At CCA, we equip young men and women to serve the Lord and glorify Him with their lives. Wherever they serve–in the world, in the church, or in the home–we strive to prepare our students academically, spiritually, and socially.

  • Academically—CCA students are creative, critical thinkers with a rich knowledge of God’s world, a strong work ethic, and a deep love of learning.
  • Spiritually—CCA students are God-focused, prayerful, biblically grounded, and engaged in service to others.
  • Socially—CCA students are valued members of a Christ-centered community where they practice giving and receiving love, discipleship, and grace.

School Distinctives:

1. Home/School Partnership—Our school follows the University-Model®, a unique partnership between professional educators and parent at-home “satellite” teachers. Students attend classes either two or three days a week and spend the rest of the week learning at home. The school is an opportunity for the Body of Christ to surround and support the family in raising up the next generation. Our students report that friendships formed in class are vital to their well-being. Spiritual and intellectual guidance from godly teachers also has a life-long impact. Parents are equipped and encouraged in their role as co-educators.

Deuteronomy 6:4-7 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

2. Professionalism—CCA teachers are degreed, credentialed, experienced educators with advanced training in the University-Model. Parent-teacher collaboration is critical for student success, so our teachers are also excellent communicators and instructional leaders. Teachers are chosen based on proven success in the classroom, knowledge of their subject, spiritual maturity, and love for children. Most of our teachers are also educating their own children at home in the University-Model, so they understand the unique blessings and challenges of the “satellite” classroom. All faculty and staff members engage in regular, targeted professional development and receive specific feedback from administrators. Our administration and Board strive to represent Christ with the highest levels of professionalism, Christ-centered leadership and skillful management.

Titus 2:7 “In everything set them as an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech.”
Matthew 5:19 “Whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

3. High-Quality Curricular Choices—At CCA we carefully choose research-based programs that support a rigorous college-preparatory program. We do not adhere to one particular philosophy or curriculum publisher, instead, we borrow tools and techniques from a variety of trustworthy sources. When possible, we choose curriculum with an explicitly biblical worldview. Our goal is continual instructional improvement and superior academic preparation.

2 Timothy 2:21 “Be a vessel for honorable use, set apart, useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.”

4. Multisensory Learning—Because each child learns differently, we strive to provide learning experiences in a variety of modalities. When children can see, touch, hear, experience, and apply their knowledge, students are more fully engaged and learning is retained. This approach is supported by educational research and best practices.

Isaiah 64:8 “Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

5. Memorizing and Thinking—From kindergarten on up, CCA students are engaged in both memorizing crucial facts and developing critical thinking skills. As students grow in knowledge, they are encouraged to develop creativity and analytical thought grounded in a biblical worldview. Teachers emphasize real-world applications for knowledge and skills.

2 Timothy 2:15 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”

6.  Biblical Integration—Everything we study in school reveals God’s character and nature to us. Whether we are studying his Word or his world, CCA teachers integrate knowledge of God into their lessons in every subject at every grade level. Parent satellite teachers are equipped and encouraged to cultivate a Biblical worldview as students learn at home. When curricular materials are not explicitly Christian, we provide customized Biblical integration in the classroom. Daily morning worship, prayer, and devotions form the foundation for a Christ-centered environment.

Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.”


7.  Heart-Focused Discipleship—The character development and spiritual formation programs at CCA are focused on each child’s heart. Rather than focusing exclusively on external behavioral compliance, we are concerned with the internal heart condition that produces behavioral fruit. Even in matters of corrective discipline, teachers and administrators are primarily engaged in discipleship, teaching students to know and love God with all their hearts, souls, minds and strength and to love others as they love themselves. We embrace God’s design for parents as primary disciplers and provide support and encouragement for spiritual formation in the home.

2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the honor both now and on that eternal day.”
Proverbs 1:8-9 “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.”

8.  Whole-Student Development—Through community events, outreach, special classes, electives, sports, and other extracurricular activities, students are given opportunities to develop relationships, skills, talents, and interests to help them grow into well-rounded adults. Leadership qualities are nurtured and service is encouraged. In everything our students do, they are encouraged to work with their whole hearts for the Lord. A strong work ethic is cultivated in study, athletics, outside activities, service, and at home.

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you are doing, work at it with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not for people, because you know that you will receive your inheritance from the Lord as the reward. Serve the Lord Christ.”




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